Team builiding + Effectiveness

Any leader worth their salt speaks loudly about the importance of teamwork.  

However, the typical hierarchical structure of most organizations can make true teamwork and collaboration a difficult challenge.  The level of complexity that every organization faces in today's information age demands a networked, collaborative mindset and structure.

Building and maintaining a Collaborative work environment

Collaboration is the outcome of authentic ownership and alignment.

Ownership it the degree to which people believe that a process, decision or outcome is theirs.
Accountability is the degree to which people understand a problem, goal or process in the same way.

In a hierarchical organization power and authority displace ownership and alignment.  
In our work with teams, this is where we start.

We give explicit ideas, tools, processes and practical suggestions on how to create and sustain a high performing team.


If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
— African proverb


Some perspective:

71% of US workers are not engaged in their work (Gallup)

30% of IT-enabled projects never come to successful completion (Gartner Group)

70% of Business Process Redesign projects fail. (Malhortra)


Breakthrough Projects

The Lustig Group works with teams to deliver targeted business results in projects or key initiatives where the stakes are high and your success is not necessarily predictable when you look at past performance.

We work with you to design breakthrough outcomes that occur beyond the typical “stretch goal”, but that are not in the realm of a “pipe dream”.



Our approach includes an educational component and the tools and practices to take a project from start to a realized breakthrough outcome.

A key part of the process is supporting you to develop the communication skills required to truly enroll others’ authentic participation in the project.  

This includes the  ability to deal creatively with breakdowns, problems and setbacks.


Andrew Lustigservice